Please follow the guidelines given below for submitting your manuscript for publication in Journal. You are requested to use these guidelines to submit manuscripts for review at the initial stage. All papers published in MKSES Journals are peer-reviewed. Authors should follow the guidelines very closely to maintain the publication consistency in terms of style, appearance, etc. If the authors fail to follow these guidelines, the Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to reject publication of those papers in this journal. The manuscript should be presented in the following order:

PAGE SIZE: US Letter format (8.5″ x 11″) in Times New Roman 10 point font.
PAGE LIMIT: No limit.
MARGINS: 1″ each margins on all sides.
TITLE: Preferably short manuscript title, centered, all capital letters, bold, 14 point Times New Roman.
AUTHOR: Immediately following paper title, single-spaced, centered, 10 point Times New Roman. On a separate line for each author: First Name, Last Name, Institution, Country, and email address. Do Not Include Titles, such as Dr., Prof., etc.

ABSTRACT: Begin your manuscript with an abstract of about 400 words, providing an overview of your research objectives, methodology, findings, etc. Include ABSTRACT (size 12, All Capital, Centered) as heading, left flushed, and triple-spaced below the last author’s name, affiliation, country, and e-mail.
KEYWORDS: A maximum of 7 key words should be provided below the Abstract to assist with indexing of the manuscript.
HEADINGS: Four headings are preferred with different objective and style. First heading will be the main heading numbered as 1, 2, 3 …. Left flushed, all capital letters, bold, 12 point Times New Roman. Second heading will be subsection numbered as 1.1, 1.2, Left flushed, bold, 10 point Times New Roman. Third heading will be Left flushed, bold, 10 point Times New Roman and the fourth heading will be Left flushed, 10 point Times New Roman.
TEXT/ BODY: 10 point Times New Roman, left flushed, no indention. Paragraphs begin at left margin and right justified. Pages will be numbered consecutively at the time of publication by the Editor.
SPACING’S: All text should be Single-Spaced and Double-Space between paragraphs. 

INTRODUCTION: The introduction part of the research paper should be brief. It should provide information about the problem’s statement, research work objective, background study/analysis, and the proposed work. 
LITERATURE REVIEW / RELATED WORK: Background study/analysis should be written as per the referred format in manuscript. The literature should be related to the domain or methodology/technique/algorithm used in related research paper.
EXPERIMENTAL WORK: The experimental work in the research should be brief. However, it should contain sufficient information about the material/data and the work procedure that is applied to achieve the objective(s).
RESULT: The research results should be presented in a logical sequence including, text, figures, and tables. Repetition of data in the tables and figures should be avoided. Figures/Tables/Flowcharts/Equations/Formulas should be drawn digitally. Do not use a scanned equation/formula/figure in the research paper.
TABLES AND FIGURES: Tables and figures should be placed close to where they are cited, and they should be high quality and camera-ready. They should be placed flush with the left-hand margin and have proper numbering, headings, and other notations. 

CONCLUSION: The main outcome of the research is written in this section. The researcher must mention the conclusion of the research in short. The limitations and the future work of the research can also be mentioned here.
CITATIONS: The American Psychological Association (APA) format for citations and references should be used. Only the most essential sources should be cited and listed. Unlisted references should not be cited, and listed references must be cited in the body. In your text, reference citations should consist of the author’s last name and publication date enclosed within parentheses. For example, (Hota, 2020). Do not use footnotes in your text.
REFERENCES: All references cited should be listed in an alphabetical order under the heading of REFERENCES starting at left margin. Do not number references. There should be double space between the REFERENCES heading and the first reference listing and between the two listings thereafter. However, each reference should be single-spaced.
Example of journal article:
Jana, R.K., Sharma, Dinesh K.,& Chakraborty, B. (2016). A Hybrid Probabilistic Fuzzy Goal Programming Approach for Agricultural Decision-Making. International Journal of Production Economics, 173 (2), 134–141.
Example of a book:
Calfee, R. C. & Valencia, R. R. (1991). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.